I really don’t mean to brag – if you know me personally you know how modest I can be – but it just so happens that I make the best apple pie on the planet.
Best served warm with ice cream.
OK, so maybe I don’t actually “make” the pie – usually my wife does…or my Mom. But someone had to pick the apples, right? OK, so maybe I didn’t pick ALL the apples – my Dad, brother and a few kids helped a bit. But someone had to peel the apples. OK fine, my dad and brother helped with that too. Ah, but who supplied the all-important second apple peeler? That’s right – this guy. So perhaps it’s more accurate to say I assist in the tasks that are necessary for the eventual making of the best apple pie on the planet. But let’s not dwell on technicalities – what’s important here is the pie!
Apple peeling can sometimes spiral out of control…
It all starts with the apples – think sour Granny Smith tartness with an extra dry finish that feels like a dentist just finished swabbing your gums with cotton. Delicious, right? These terrible-for-eating-apples, when mixed with sufficient sugar, cinnamon and a secret blend of other ingredients, are transformed into a pie so sublime that the only thing you’ll ever want to shove in your pie-hole is, well, this pie.
Scroll to the bottom for a link to the recipe!
The Pie Tree on Section 22
In all seriousness, though, it’s not about the apples or the pie. It’s about where they come from and what they represent: Home. As I set out to launch Section22 earlier this year I wanted to make sure the brand I put forward was representative of myself both professionally and personally.
It started with the name - Section22 refers to the physical location of the family farm in southwest Minnesota but also serves as a nice metaphor for the intersection of different services clients can expect. If you’ve had a chance to tour the rest of this site you’ll notice a number of nods to the farm (see: Spring Farm Report).
They look better than they taste - for use in pies only!
Which brings me back to pie. I recently kicked off a project with a client and to celebrate, I shared a Section22 pie with the team after the meeting was over. It was a great way to connect with my new partners as well as highlight a bit about what makes Section22 unique.
Whether it’s pie, a logo or the content you share with your audience, developing a brand with meaning and authenticity can be one of the most difficult aspects when starting a business. I just had to move back home for the proper inspiration.
If you’re wondering how you can get your hands on some of the world’s best apple pie please don’t hesitate to reach out - every new client gets a complementary Section22 pie at the start of every project!
Click below to snag the recipe for yourself - be warned though - without these specific apples your pie will likely be terrible.